Lagniappe Literature ParticipantReviews Published 






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Sea Lovers by Valerie Martin

Sea Lovers: New and Selected Stories - Valerie Martin


  Happy to finally finish this book and remove from my "currently reading" shelf. Yes! It's been there way too long! Valerie Martin offers readers a book of short stories that mostly take place in or around New Orleans. There's the story of a struggling artist and the young woman who chose to love him, despite his lack of ambition. Another is the vengeful tale of a husband who loves his dog more than his wife. This particular portion was a bit dark. Matter of fact, the entire compilation cast a bleak shadow. There were a few stories that kept my interest, like the mermaid tale. It ended a little odd, as did each story. And there seemed to be no rhyme or reason for character's actions. I know how short stories work. I've read my fair share, but I was confused at the end, unable to see the author's point. However, I thoroughly enjoyed the locale. I love New Orleans with all my heart and when it is used for a book's atmosphere and location, well, it just sucks me right in. Overall view of this book? Not bad but I probably wouldn't recommend this to a friend or anyone else. I would like to read a full version Valerie Martin book because the writing was good. 

*Received this book from Edelweiss for review, free of charge. Opinions are my own.