Lagniappe Literature ParticipantReviews Published 






Currently reading

The Lost Heiress (Ladies of the Manor)
Roseanna M. White
Progress: 391/448 minutes
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Clean Sweep ARC Challenhe

The Hospital ( Mountain Man) Book 1.5

The Hospital - Keith C. Blackmore

Books with zombies are a dime a dozen. Some bad. Some better than others. This is one of those better than others. The narrator, R.C. Bray, gives a great performance as the Mountain Man. I'm not your typical horror story reader but I occasionally like a walk on the wild, dark side. Lots of gore and this one was free on Audible. Short & free? Why, yes! I think I will and then I'm going to search out the first book in the series, Mountain Man (Book One). I'm sticking with the audiobooks. A friend is on the third audiobook in the series and she says it's well worth the listen. This free audiobook also has a preview of Chapters 1 & 2 of more Mountain Man. Not for everyone but still lots of freaky fun and it's a decent introduction to the Mountain Man series.


*FYI: Someone more familiar with the series said it was ok to begin with this short story.