Lagniappe Literature ParticipantReviews Published 






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The Lost Heiress (Ladies of the Manor)
Roseanna M. White
Progress: 391/448 minutes
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Clean Sweep ARC Challenhe

The Good Good Pig: The Extraordinary Life of Christopher Hogwood

The Good Good Pig: The Extraordinary Life of Christopher Hogwood - Sy Montgomery Christopher Hogwood was the runt of the litter and struggling to survive when writers, Sy Montgomery and her husband, Howard Mansfield, made the decision to adopt the diminutive but strong-willed piglet in 1990. Howard had gotten a call from friends who had quite an extensive litter of piglets. They wanted to know if Howard and Sy would be interested in giving a loving home to a piglet in desperate need of care and attention. Christopher was not just the runt of the litter but he also had every disease a pig could have and things were not looking good. Sy was out of town when Howard got the call. Sy's beloved father was dying from cancer and Howard wondered if caring for the sickly pig would be good therapy for Sy, give her something to look forward to. If Sy and Howard didn't take the undersized and weak pig, it would certainly not survive. That's how the soulful Christopher Hogwood, named after the famous musical conductor, came to find his bliss in the loving hearts and home of Sy, Howard, and the quaint hamlet of Hancock, New Hampshire.

Hogwood became a treasured member of the family and community. Friends and strangers came to visit the growing pig. Christopher had quite the reputation around town and did as he pleased. He visited neighbors and their gardens. Sy and Howard grew accustomed to the phone calls alerting them to the pigs whereabouts. Hogwood even had a police record of sorts and was often mentioned in the local police logs for his antics. But Christopher was lovingly accepted by all and quickly became a local celebrity and found himself on the receiving end of deliciously donated slops buckets from neighbors, grocers, and even a gourmet restaurant. Christopher Hogwood was a lucky pig. A splendid pig! He didn't just receive love and good will. Christopher had the ability to give as good as he got and even changed the lives of those who had the privilege to know this gloriously unique and intelligent pig.

The Good Good Pig is Sy Montgomery's loving memoir and tribute to a pig, first brought home in a shoebox, and with love and support from his family and friends, defied all odds and grew to unimaginable proportions in size and celebrity. It is the extraordinary true story of a wise and remarkable pig that changed the lives of many, who was a beloved companion and an "activist who brought people together with his beautiful love."