This was one of the greatest books I have ever read. EVER!! It's a long novel but worth every well written page. I would like to add that if one is not a fan of history, then this is probably not the book for you. However, history is added to the story so that the story can be told. There are many stories that unfold in this James Michener classic based on North Eastern America historical events and fictional characters that leap off the page.
Chesapeake begins around 1583, in the surrounding area of Chesapeake Bay and it's many tributaries and the unsettled Eastern shore of Maryland. The story is told in 14 voyages that find their way down this bay area, either from small tributaries or the Atlantic. The voyages take place from 1538 to 1978 and each voyage telling it's own story and adding to the history of the previous voyages as the Eastern shore grows and establishes towns, communities and the many lives that settle along these shores.